Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Classic Manga: Daughter of the Nile


Beautiful, just beautiful! This manga is so amazing, you have no idea. Hugely popular in the Asian countries, it came out first in 1976, and just finished a few years ago (I think). I know what you’re thinking, old and out-dated. But, believe me, some works are just timeless. The drawings are old, but I think the style is gorgeous. I don’t see how anyone would disagree. The artwork is part of the manga’s attraction. Though I must warn you, the first volume has terrible art. I remember when I turned to the first page, my initial reaction was “yuck”. The drawings were blurry and washed out. The art looked chewed up and just plain awful. HOWEVER, once you get past the first book, you’ll be fine. The drawings get better and better. I love how the characters are drawn, from the eyebrows to the hands and hair. Plot-wise, the manga revolves around Egypt. An American student named Carol visits the excavation of an unknown pharaoh’s tomb. She is a history lover, especially when it involves ancient Egypt. By accident, her father breaks a seal, releasing a curse in the form of an Egyptian princess. Her name is Asisu, and she seeks revenge on those who disturbed her brother’s resting place (by the way, this broad’s crazy. She’s also disturbingly obsessed with her brother, Memphis). First, she pretends to befriend Carol’s family. Later, she kills the girl’s father through a poisoned cobra bite. She tries to kill Carol, but fails, so she brings her back 3000 years in time to be a slave. By accident, Carol meets up with Memphis, who just ascended the throne at the time. He falls madly (oh I mean madly) in love with her, and forces her to stay in the palace with him. Carol’s vast knowledge of ancient Egypt earns her the respect of those around her. People begin to worship her as the daughter of the Nile goddess, hence, Daughter of the Nile. The rest of the story revolves around Carol dealing with love, jealousy, and political conflicts. Initially, she found Memphis’s ridiculous obsession with her perturbing. Later however, she begins to accept and return his affections (you’ll have to be patient though, hee hee). The outfits, style, and landscapes are just gorgeous. Do yourself a favor and check this wonderful manga out. It can be found on MangaFox. Believe me, you won’t be disappointed!

PS. All credit for the images goes to Aethereality Gallery.

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